Join the NASDAQ Community today and get free, instant access to portfolios, stock ratings, realtime alerts, and more Join Today. Search the worlds information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what youre looking for. Lynn School Department For Staff. Grades Table. Note this manual serves as a guide in using the Home Access Center. Questions regarding grade calculations, grading scales or any other Lynn Public School grade related policies should be referred to your students teachers. The Grades Table will display the following for each course that your student is taking Course Number The course number is located at the top left of the Grades Table. A short description will accompany the course number. In the example above, LY2. World History II is the course title. CUg.png' alt='Access Refresh Field After Update Computer' title='Access Refresh Field After Update Computer' />Hide Button You can hideshow the assignments and grades for a course by pressing the. HideShow button. Classwork Average This is the average of all of your students grades for this course. Note the Classwork Average may include grades that have been assigned and scored but have not been published. Date Due and Date Assigned The date due was the date that the classwork was due or, in the case of a quiz or test, the date they were taken. The date assigned was the date that the classwork was assigned. Assignment The description of the classwork, quiz, or test. Category This is the category type associated with the classwork, quiz or test. Score This was the grade that your student earned on the classwork, quiz or test. Weight This is weighting that is used to calculate the weighted score. Weighted Score This is the students score after the Weight has been multiplied by the Score. Total Points These are the maximum number of points that your student could get on the assignment, quiz, or test. This update will see the death of the old email program Outlook Express, as well as the depreciation of the popular Paint application. As Microsoft told Gizmodo back. On Monday, we learned that Microsoft was killing off the iconic Microsoft Paint program after 32 years and replacing it with Paint 3D in its upcoming Windows 10 update. Loading DocCommentXchange. Loading DocCommentXchange. Interim Progress Report and Report Cards Click on the Interim Progress Report or Report Card links at the time when IPRs or Report Cards are generated. You will see an electronic version of these reports at those appropriate times Registration Click on the Registration link to view student related data. If your childs information is not correct or is not entered, please feel free to call the school office and they can update the information to reflect your changes. My Students If you have more than one student in the Lynn Public Schools, this link will display in the main menu. If you only have one student in the district, this link will not display. Trend Micro Group Policy Install Fonts here. Once you click this link you will see all of your children and can switch to another childs information. Note If you have more than one child enrolled in the district but the My Students link is not displaying, your children are not linked in the system. Please notify the school to have this corrected. Doc. Comment. Xchange.