I kept trying and found a you tube video, which i cant find again to add the link but i followed the link and with what I did earlier I can now open CR2 files in my photoshop cs. I found the relevany update that I needed to install and downloaded it, camera raw 5. Adobe Adobe Camera Raw and DNG Converter For Windows Camera Raw 5. Canon 5d Mk. 2After downloading it would not update the progeramme so I was in the same possition, but i noticed the files were there and i just needed to put them in the right place in photoshop so carried on looking for were to put the Plus In. This led me to the video. To the point. Download the update and save to a location where you will remember. Real Hide Ip 3 6 5 2 Incl Crack Cocaine. The Plugin Site Photoshop plugins, Photoshop Elements plugins, Lightroom plugins, free plugins. The goal of this release is to provide additional camera raw support, lens profile support and address bugs that were introduced in previous releases of Camera Raw. Adobe photoshop and go to editThem Preferences then General Then Plus InsAt the top you will see Add Plug Ins Folder Check this box then navigate to the win. Choose it. Shut down photo shop and try to open a raw. Bridge doesnt work for some reason but im going to keep looking. Have upgraded from CS5 to CS6. Do not have Camera Raw pluginfilter. Have tried the updates under help, no good. Do I have to purchase the plugin If. Hope this works for you as well.