Other kinds of agents. Organization and Group. The Agent class is useful in a few places in FOAF where. Person would have been overly specific. For example, the IM chat ID. ID are typically associated with people, but. Class foaf Document. Document A document. The Document class represents those things which are, broadly conceived. The Image class is a sub class of Document, since all images. We do not currently distinguish precisely between physical and electronic documents, or. The relationship between. Class foaf Group. Group A class of Agents. The Group class represents a collection of individual agents and may. Agent, ie. something that can perform actions. This concept is intentionally quite broad, covering informal and. Some. such groups may have associated characteristics which could be captured in RDF perhaps a. While a Group has the characteristics of a Agent, it. Agents typically people who. Group. FOAF provides a mechanism, the. Class property, which relates a Group to a. Agent who are members of the group. This is a. little complicated, but allows us to make group membership rules explicit. The markup shown below for defining a group is both complex and powerful. It. allows group membership rules to match against any RDF describable characteristics of the potential. As FOAF and similar vocabularies become more expressive in their ability to. Group mechanism for categorising them into. While the formal description of membership criteria for a Group may. Group is. very simple. We simply use a member property of the. Group to indicate the agents that are members of the group. For example. lt foaf Group. ILRT stafflt foaf name. Person. lt foaf name Martin Poulterlt foaf name. Homepage rdf resourcehttp www. Person. lt foaf member. Group. Behind the scenes, further RDF statements can be used to express the rules for being a. End users of FOAF need not pay attention to these details. Here is an example. We define a Group representing those people who. ILRT staff members ILRT is a department at the University of Bristol. The membership. Class property connects the group conceived of as a social. In this case, the rule is that all group members are in the. ILRTStaff. Person class, which is in turn populated by all those things that are a. Person and which have a workplace. Homepage of. http www. This is typical FOAF groups are created by. Agent in fact usually this. Person, and giving criteria. For this, we use the. Property and owl has. Value properties. FOAF group described. OWL definition. specifying the class of agents that constitute the groups membership. Group. lt foaf name ILRT stafflt foaf name. Class. lt owl Class rdf abouthttp ilrt. ILRTStaff. Person. Class. Of rdf resourcehttp xmlns. Person. lt rdfs sub. Class. Of. lt owl Restriction. Property rdf resourcehttp xmlns. Homepage. lt owl has. Value rdf resourcehttp www. Restriction. lt rdfs sub. Class. Of. lt owl Class. Class. lt foaf Group. Note that while these example OWL rules for being in the eg ILRTStaff. Person class are. Person having a particular. Homepage, this places no obligations on the authors of actual. FOAF documents to include this information. If the information is included, then. OWL tools may infer that some person is an eg ILRTStaff. Person. To go the extra. ILRTStaff. Person is a member of the group. ILRT staff, tools will need some knowledge of the way. FOAF deals with groups. In other words, generic OWL technology gets us most of the way. Group machinery requires extra work for implimentors. The current design names the relationship as pointing from the group. This is convenient when writing XMLRDF that encloses the members within. Alternate representations of the same content are. RDF, so you can write claims about the Person and the Group without having to. For brief example. Group. lt foaf member rdf node. IDmartin. lt more about the group here. Group. lt foaf Person rdf node. IDmartin. lt more about martin here. Person. There is a FOAF issue tracker. FOAF term. A design goal is to make the most of W3. How Do I Restore A Backup From Icloud there. Cs OWL language for representing group membership. Feedback on the current design. Should we consider using SPARQL queries instead, for example Class foaf Image. Image An image. The class Image is a sub class of Document. Digital images such as JPEG, PNG, GIF bitmaps, SVG diagrams etc. Class foaf Organization. Organization An organization. The Organization class represents a kind of Agent. This is a more solid class than Group, which allows. These terms, like the corresponding. Class foaf Person. Person A person. The Person class represents people. Something is a. Person if it is a person. We dont nitpic about whether theyre. The Person class is a sub class of the. Agent class, since all people are considered agents in FOAF. Class foaf Online. Account. Online Account An online account. The Online. Account class represents the provision of some form of online. Service. Homepage to some Agent. The. account property of the agent is used to indicate accounts that are associated with the agent. See Online. Chat. Account for an example. Other sub classes include Online. Ecommerce. Account and Online. Gaming. Account. One deployment style for this construct is to use URIs for well known documents or other entities that strongly embody the account holding relationship for. This has the advantage of providing URIs that are likely to be easy to link with other information. Class foaf Personal. Profile. Document. Personal. Profile. Document A personal profile RDF document. The Personal. Profile. Document class represents those. Document, and that use RDF to. There is just one Person described in. The Personal. Profile. Document class, and FOAFs. FOAF vocabulary. FOAF is very often used in. RDF documents made available through the Web. There is a. colloquial notion that these FOAF files are often somebodys. FOAF file. Through Personal. Profile. Document we provide. FOAF documents to make claims about their maker and topic. When describing a Personal. Profile. Document it is. Person. using the maker property. Anything that is a. Person and that is the maker of some. Personal. Profile. Document will be the primary. Topic of. that Document. Although this can be inferred, it is. Personal. Profile. Document. For example, here is a fragment of a personal profile document which. Person rdf node. IDp. Dan Brickleylt foaf name. Person. lt foaf Personal. Profile. Document rdf about. IDp. 1. lt foaf primary. Topic rdf node. IDp. Personal. Profile. Document. Note that a Personal. Profile. Document will have some. RDF. Typically this will be in W3. Cs RDFXML syntax. HTML GRDDL spec for. Class foaf Project. Project A project a collective endeavour of some kind. The Project class represents the class of things that are projects. These. may be formal or informal, collective or individual. It is often useful to indicate the. Project. Further work is needed to specify the connections between this class and the FOAF properties. Project and past.