Choice Mail Anti spam software, junk mail blocker. Home. Windows 1. 0 compatible Choice. Mail is here Anti spam software should save you time and money it should give you back your privacy. A spam filter has to make sure you get 1. No spam filter can do that. Spam filters try to guess which email you want and dont want. They are one size fits all programs, and they have one thing in common they dont work very well. Spammers always find ways to beat them, so you still get spam in your inbox. And they delete legitimate mail, so you have to hunt through deleted email to make sure you didnt lose anything important. Why use Choice. Mail Choice. Mail is different. Its a permission based spam blocker that customizes itself to you. Permission based means Choice. Mail assumes email is spam unless it knows otherwise. Google Chrome Chromecast Extension Download Mac. Only approved email gets into your inbox. Choice. Mail automatically approves email from people you know and trust. It lets you create simple rules to approve email that is important to. And it lets you automatically query unknown senders to find out. Then you get to decide if this is someone you want to hear from. Legitimate senders respond to this query, but spammers never do. Choice. Mail Desktop is one of the best anti spam software products for Windows 1. Windows 8, Windows 7 3. Windows VISTA, Windows XP or Windows 2. Our business products work with any email server Microsoft Exchange, Novell Group. Wise, Lotus Domino, Ipswitch IMail or any other and can be installed on the same or on a separate machine from your mail server. A good spam filter software can differentiate between legitimate email and spam email. Try our free spam blocker for personal use. The ChoiceMail system works in. Windows XP Home Pro Run Commands and Short Cuts How To Click Start, Click Run or simply use the shortcut Windows logoR and enter the command Click OK Run. Windows 10 64 bit Windows 10 Windows 8 64 bit Windows 8 Windows 7 64 bit Windows 7 Windows Vista 64 bit Windows Vista Windows XP 64 bit. Latest trending topics being covered on ZDNet including Reviews, Tech Industry, Security, Hardware, Apple, and Windows. You can actually control outbound traffic in the Windows 7 firewall, although you cant have it prompt you when a program wants to access the Internet.