KB/shell/dotnetBandObjects/dotnetBandObjects.jpg' alt='C Windows Forms Set Focus Wow' title='C Windows Forms Set Focus Wow' />Forms in HTML documents Introduction to forms. An HTML form is a section of a document containing normal content, markup. Users. generally complete a form by modifying its controls entering text, selecting. Web server, to a mail server, etc. Heres a simple form that includes labels, radio buttons, and push buttons. FORM actionhttp somesite. Install Usb Printer Virtual Xp. LABEL forfirstname First name lt LABEL. KB/WPF/XSButton/ButtonDesigner_CompareSmall.png' alt='C Windows Forms Set Focus Wow' title='C Windows Forms Set Focus Wow' />Word 2010 has a multitude of Form Content Controls that enable users to instantly create a simple form for taking input from others, distributing it as e. Hyper HTMLJSCSS terminal. Module loading. The user can hotload and hotreload plugins by pressing Command R refresh. Im using Windows forms and I have a textbox which I would occassionally like to make the text bold if it is a certain value. How do I change the font characteristics. May 20th, 2009. WomanonWoman Bullying. Six explanations from us for why women bully other women at work. Solidarity of the sisterhood is a myth and stereotype. How To Burn A File To A Dvd In Windows 10 How To Lose Weight Teen How To Burn A File To A Dvd In Windows 10 Lose 20 Pounds In A Week For Teenagers How To Lose. What is Mobirise Mobirise is a free offline app for Window and Mac to easily create smallmedium websites, landing pages, online resumes and portfolios, promo sites. Citrix ShareFile How to setup Citrix ShareFile with AD FS 3. Integrated Windows Authentication. Daily paper. Local, state, and wire news and commentary. Photo galleries, business and obituaries. Latest trending topics being covered on ZDNet including Reviews, Tech Industry, Security, Hardware, Apple, and Windows. INPUT typetext idfirstname lt BR. LABEL forlastname Last name lt LABEL. INPUT typetext idlastname lt BR. LABEL foremail email lt LABEL. INPUT typetext idemail lt BR. INPUT typeradio namesex valueMale Malelt BR. INPUT typeradio namesex valueFemale Femalelt BR. INPUT typesubmit valueSend lt INPUT typereset. Note. This specification includes more detailed. A controls is given by its. The scope of the name attribute for a. FORM element is the FORM element. Each control has both an initial value and a current value, both of which. Please consult the definition of each control for. In general, a controls may be specified with the control elements. However, the initial value of a. TEXTAREA element is given by its contents, and the initial value of. OBJECT element in a form is determined by the object. The controls is first set to the. Thereafter, the controls current value may be modified through. Thus, when. a form is reset, each controls current value is reset to its initial value. If. a control does not have an initial value, the effect of a form reset on that. When a form is submitted for processing, some controls have their name. Those controls for which namevalue pairs are. HTML defines the following control types Authors may create three types of buttons. When activated, a submit button submits a form. A form may contain more than one submit. When activated, a reset button resets all controls to their. Push buttons have no default behavior. Each push button may. When an event. occurs e. Authors should specify the scripting language of a push button script. META element. Authors create buttons with the BUTTON element or the INPUT. Please consult the definitions of these elements for details about. Note. Authors should note that the BUTTON. INPUT. element. Checkboxes and radio buttons are onoff switches that may be toggled by. A switch is on when the control elements checked. When a form is submitted, only on checkbox controls can. Several checkboxes in a form may share the same. Thus, for example, checkboxes allow users to select several. The INPUT element is used to create a. Radio buttons are like checkboxes except that when several share the same. The. INPUT element is used to create a radio button control. If no radio button in a set sharing the same control name is initially. Note. Since existing implementations handle this. RFC 1. 86. 6 RFC1. At all times, exactly one of the radio buttons in a set is checked. If none of the lt INPUT elements of a set of radio buttons specifies. CHECKED, then the user agent must check the first radio button of the set. Since user agent behavior differs, authors should ensure that in each set of. Menus offer users options from which to choose. The SELECT. element creates a menu, in combination with the. OPTGROUP and OPTION elements. Authors may create two types of controls that allow users to input text. INPUT element creates a single line input control and the. TEXTAREA element creates a multi line input control. In both cases. the input text becomes the controls current. This control type allows the user to select files so that their contents. The INPUT element is used to create a file. Authors may create controls that are not rendered but whose values are. Authors generally use this control type to store. HTTP see RFC2. 61. The INPUT. element is used to create a hidden control. Authors may insert generic objects in forms such that associated values are. Authors create object controls with the. OBJECT element. The elements used to create controls generally appear inside a FORM. FORM element declaration when they are. This is discussed in the section on intrinsic events. Note that controls outside a form. The element. Start tag required, End tag. Attribute definitions uriCTThis attribute specifies a form processing agent. User agent behavior for a. HTTP URI is undefined. CIThis attribute specifies which HTTP method will be used to submit the form data set. Possible case insensitive values are. See the section on. CIThis attribute specifies the content type. The default value for this attribute is. The value should be used in combination with the. INPUT element, typefile. CIThis attribute specifies the list of character encodings for input. The value is a space. The client must interpret this list as an exclusive or list, i. The default value for this attribute is the reserved string UNKNOWN. User. agents may interpret this value as the character encoding that was used to. FORM element. content type listCIThis attribute specifies a comma separated list of content types that a. User agents may use this. INPUT element when. CIThis attribute names the element so that it may be referred to from style. Note. This attribute has been included for. Applications should use the. Attributes defined elsewhere. The. FORM element acts as a container for. It specifies The layout of the form given by the contents of the element. The program that will handle the completed and submitted form the action. The receiving program must be able to parse namevalue pairs in. The method by which user data will be sent to the server the method. A character encoding that must be accepted by the server in order to handle. User agents may advise the. A form can contain text and markup paragraphs, lists, etc. The following example shows a form that is to be processed by the adduser. The form will be sent to the program using the HTTP. FORM actionhttp somesite. Please consult the section on form submission. Note. Further discussion on the behavior of servers. The element. lt ENTITY Input. Type. TEXT PASSWORD CHECKBOX. RADIO SUBMIT RESET. FILE HIDDEN IMAGE BUTTON. ELEMENT INPUT O EMPTY form control. ATTLIST INPUT. attrs coreattrs, i. Input. Type TEXT what kind of widget is needed. CDATA IMPLIED submit as part of form. CDATA IMPLIED Specify for radio buttons and checkboxes. IMPLIED for radio buttons and check boxes. IMPLIED unavailable in this context. IMPLIED for text and passwd. CDATA IMPLIED specific to each type of field. NUMBER IMPLIED max chars for text fields. URI IMPLIED for fields with images. CDATA IMPLIED short description. URI IMPLIED use client side image map. IMPLIED use server side image map. NUMBER IMPLIED position in tabbing order. Character IMPLIED accessibility key character. Script IMPLIED the element got the focus. Script IMPLIED the element lost the focus. Script IMPLIED some text was selected. Script IMPLIED the element value was changed. Content. Types IMPLIED list of MIME types for file upload. Start tag required, End tag. Attribute definitions. CIThis attribute specifies the type of. The default value for this attribute is text.