June 2. 01. 5 www. Welcome to disproportionate gasp to express surprise at unremarkable news. So. we meet again. We can sit around and talk about that all day or get right to it. Yep lets do that. In some ways the weekend was kind of weird, in others it was kind of awesome. I dont think it could have involved girls any more and guys any less though. Not necessarily a bad thing because boobs are way, way better than dicks. Friday. From now on Im on baby duty every Friday. Senfeldas posted a video of the van that you can watch on YouTube. He shows off the unique features of the van, including two LCD screens, plenty of audio recording. E Is Everywhere. This content is available customized for our international audience. Would you like to view this in our US edition As Americas most fearless purveyor of truthiness, Stephen Colbert shines a light on egodriven punditry, moral hypocrisy and government incompetence, raising the. Search the worlds information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what youre looking for. Big adjustment in that its very restricting having to work to a childs routine cant just run around doing whatever as I please. Anyway we kicked off the day with exercise. Youtube To Mp3 Converter Shark here. Of course, a good few kilometres from home it started to rain like a little bitch so suddenly Im that dad pushing a pram in the wet along a major road during peak hour. The judgement from other road users was palpable. Soon found cover and called for an evac. Not long after making it home a friend swung by. She lives interstate, in town briefly, havent seen her for a few years, speak maybe once a year but one of those friendships where it doesnt matter you instantly get on like always without any awkward. Before we knew it half the day was gone and she was gone until we cross again. Rest of the day disappeared more or less instantly too. Juggle a couple more naps, take the kid shopping, home to dinner and shower then collapse on the couch. Everything went as planned and no one died so technically successful. Saturday kicked off with chiropractor. Very fucking happy the neck pain which nearly killed me the week before is now under control so wondering if maybe she deserves more credit. Had begun to notice that no matter what my complaint, whether it be sore shoulder or sore foot, its always the same 3 4 adjustments. Next was exercise at family read slowpoke pace then home to relax. The rest of the day was a mix of errands and working so dont know why Im bothering to mention it. A few weeks back I received a FB message from another old friend. Back when Mercedes was using the reanimated corpse of Pablo Picasso as the head of design for the Unimog division. She was my ball prom date and had completely lost touch since finishing high school. Shes going to be in town for a few days and did I want to catch up. Weird coincidence. This is where Im kind of lucky the GF is cool. Lotta bitches wouldnt have been okay with their partner even asking to head out for a few drinks a with a school crush let alone actually doing it but that we did and bitches were cool. Such a great time too. Can You Fix A Crack In A Bong Clocks' title='Can You Fix A Crack In A Bong Clocks' />Started at a pub and finished in a caf until they finally kicked us out an hour after closing. Talked nonstop, whats been happening, reminisced, all the stuff you would cover and laughed hard. After all theres probably a very valid reason people drift. Can also safely say that Im hoping this streak of blasts from the past is over soon because theres a couple of people I definitely hope do not appear. The other weird for the night was a girl at the bar. Started chatting after I didnt push in front of her in line to get a drink. Okay. She was pleased by this and suggested the bartender thought we looked similar. USATODAY/WiresImages/741f7a21863d43af96c50b37cb4b16e9.jpg' alt='Can You Fix A Crack In A Bong Clock' title='Can You Fix A Crack In A Bong Clock' />We didnt. A brief conversation followed that ended awkwardly when she told me you have a nice head. Just a fucking weird way to compliment someone. Cant even be sure thats what it was. Poor thing was either blind, drunk, blind drunk or desperately lonely. Activities for the day of Sunday were limited due to rainageddon. It was wetter than your mum when I chuck my dirty undies in her face. Had actually planned to donate blood after a story on the news said there was a serious shortage because people werent donating or some such. Oddly the operator said there werent any available weekend appointments for 2 weeks so seems like it was propaganda to promote the new donation clinic. We instead teed up lunch at a suburban food hall with friends. Went there a few weeks ago realise now that the its so popular because they allow patrons to BYO alcohol. Is probably the only way to kill the parasites people will undoubtedly ingest from the questionable Indian and Asian food options but I digress. Long day which wound out a quality weekend. Okay let us get moving with the brand new update. I say it a lot and always mean it but this one is an absolute fucking killer. So much cool and amazing stuff that you will shit your pants before even getting through all the links below. Check it. Terminated. Before Terminator Genisys Hits Theaters, Relive The Greatest Terminator Film Of Them All Terminator 2 Judgment Day Hasta La Vista, Good Terminator Movies Oh Its On Taylor Swifts Elusive Belly Button Gets The Reddit Photoshop Battle It So Richly Deserves Ummm. Throwing Down Some Whitney. This Is Going To Stay With You For A While. Probably Not For A Good Reason. Draw Life. 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