Download below link of silver light uninstall Repair Tool. Try to update the windows form Widows Update feature. Now try to unistall it again, and then restart the computer. Download below link of silver light and install it again. Some manually advanced steps. Note If youre using a Motorola router, install the original firmware first. See the included readme for additional information. Note If youre using the DDWRT. Enterprise Software Thread, Java 8 Update 25 Silent Install via SCCM in Technical So here I am thinking now would be a good time to move to Java 8 only things. Delete that file dbgsihm. Program. FilesMicrosoft Silverlight folder. Run following commands one by one in cmd with admin rightscd d programfilesWindows Resource KitsTools. HKEYCLASSESROOTCLSIDDFEAF5. F3. E1 4c. 24 ACAC 9. C3. 07. 15. 08. 4AMisc. Status1 grantadministratorsf grantsystemf. HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftSilverlight f. HKEYCLASSESROOTInstallerProductsD7. F9. 86. 2C6. 48. A4. DB8. BE2. A5. B4. BE1. 00 f. reg delete HKEYCLASSESROOTType. Lib2. 83. C8. 57. DBC 9. 60. 9 3. F8. A f. reg delete HKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrent. VersionApp Pathsinstall. HKEYCLASSESROOTAg. Control. Ag. Control f. HKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrent. VersionUninstall8. F4. 13. 7D 6. C2. A8. 4 BDB8 2. E5. A4. BB7. 1E0. 0 f. Program. FilesMicrosoft Silverlight. Program. Filesx. Microsoft SilverlightAfter that please change your TEMP variable to local, such as SET TEMPC and SET TMPC. Cara Mencari File Yang Tidak Bisa Dihapus Dengan Software Download. Dont leave the CMD session. Restart your computer now. Now try to install Microsoft Silver light.