Glossary of video game terms. This glossary of video game terms lists the general video game industry terms as commonly used in Wikipedia articles. CCAbbreviation of one credit clear or one coin completion. The act of completing an arcade game without using more than one credit i. PC game that uses some form of continues the term no continue clear is sometime used in such instances. When it comes to completing a game without losing a life as well if the game has lives, the term 1. LC one life completion or no miss clear are used instead. This can be further extended into a no damage clear or no damage completion in games where the player character has a health gauge. IakIzkZ.jpg' alt='Counter Strike 2D Console Cheats For Fallout' title='Counter Strike 2D Console Cheats For Fallout' />Some arcade games offer special ending sequences or challenges when the player achieves a 1. CC. 1 up. In games where players have a number of lives to complete a game or level an object or the act of gaining an extra life. Steam-letter-ru.png' alt='Counter Strike 2D Console Cheats For Fallout' title='Counter Strike 2D Console Cheats For Fallout' />Abbreviation of 1 versus 1, which means two players battling against each other. A descriptor for hardware or software that arose during the third generation of video game consoles, targeting 8 bit computer architecture. A descriptor for hardware or software that arose during the fourth generation of video game consoles, targeting 1. D graphics. The game features 2 dimensional objects. D graphics. A game consisting of 3. D graphics set in a 2. D plane of movement, where objects outside of this 2. D plane can have an effect on the gameplay. A descriptor for hardware or software that arose during the fifth generation of video game consoles, targeting 3. D graphics. 3D graphics. This article possibly contains original research. Please improve it by verifying the claims made and adding inline citations. Statements consisting only of original. As of 30 November 2015, the games. Net and the team would like to thank everyone who was involved in the community. The game features 3 dimensional objects. XA genre of strategic video games, short for explore, expand, exploit, and exterminate. A descriptor for hardware or software that arose during the fifth generation of video game consoles, targeting 6. AAAA high budget game with a large development team, or game studios that make them. AAA games are usually multiplatform, have multimillion dollar marketing budgets, and plan to sell over one million copies. May also refer to Anti Aircraft Artillery in military games. Abandonware. The idea of a game being forgotten about, or abandoned by the developers for multiple different reasons, one being copyright issues. Act. See Level. Sometimes used to refer to individual levels that make up a larger world. Activation Key For Adobe Flash Cs3 Professional Key here. Action point APA subunit of a players turn. For example, a game may allow an action to occur only so long as the player has sufficient action points. Action role playing game ARPGA genre of role playing video games where battle actions are performed in real time instead of a turn based mechanic. Actions per minute APMThe total number of actions the player can perform in a minute most professional level players train with an emphasis on high APM in addition to raw skill. ADSAiming Down Sights, or, Aim Down Sights. Refers to the common alternate method of firing a gun in a first person shooter FPS game, typically activated by clicking the right mouse button. The real life analogue is when a person raises a rifle up and places the stock just inside the shoulder area, and leans their head down so they can see in a straight line along the top of the rifle, through both of the iron sights, or a scope, if equipped. Firing the weapon this way greatly increases accuracy, but can limit vision, situational awareness and mobility, and it also takes a variable amount of time to change the weapon position, depending on the game. AFKAbbreviation of Away From Keyboard. Generally said through a chat function in online multiplayer games when a player intends to be temporarily unavailable. The term BRB be right back from texting is also used, although whether these two terms are interchangeable varies from person to person. Aggro. See Hate. An abbreviation for aggravation. Causing aggro is the act of performing usually aggressive actions in a video game in order to attract attention of NPCs to defeat the player character, while managing aggro involves keeping aggressive NPCs from overwhelming the player or party. Often used in gaming to grind. Sometimes facetiously used in reference to irritated bystanders wife aggro, mother aggro, etc. Aimbot auto aimA first person shootercheat that lets players shoot other player characters without aiming. In most cases, the reticle locks on to a target within the players line of sight and the player only has to pull the trigger. Aimbots are one of the most popular cheats in multiplayer FPS, used since 1. Quake. 6 1. 19. Alpha release. An initial, incomplete version of a game compare beta version alpha versions are usually released early in the development process to test a games most critical functionality and prototype design concepts. Always on DRMA type of digital rights management that typically requires the player to be always connected to the Internet to play the game. Analog stick. A small variation of a joystick, usually placed on a game controller to allow a player more fluent 2 dimensional input than is possible with a D pad. Ao. EAbbreviation of Area of effect. Abbreviation of Age of Empires. AnyA type of speedrun in which the players objective is to reach the games end goal as quickly as possible without regard to the normal intermediate steps. Arcade game. A coin operated or coin op game machine. Popular primarily during the late 1. Area. See Level. Area of effect Ao. EA term used in many role playing and strategy games to describe attacks or other effects that affect multiple targets within a specified area. For example, in the role playing game, Dungeons Dragons, a fireball spell will deal damage to anyone within a certain radius of where it strikes. This term is not limited to just role playing games, however, in most tactical strategy gamesartillery weapons have an area of effect that will damage anyone within a radius of the strike zone. Area of effect can also refer to spells and abilities that are non damaging and non explosive. For example, a powerful healing spell may affect anyone within a certain range of the caster often only if they are a member of the casters party. Many games also have what are sometimes referred to as aura abilities that will affect anyone in the area around the person with the ability. For example, many strategy games have hero or officer units that can improve the morale and combat performance of friendly units around them. The inclusion of Ao. E elements in game mechanics can increase the role of strategy, especially in turn based strategy games. The player has to place units wisely to mitigate the possibly devastating effects of a hostile area of effect attack however, placing units in a dense formation could result in gains that outweigh the increased Ao. E damage received. Point blank area of effect abbreviated PBAo. E is a subset of Ao. E in which the affected region is centered on the character that is performing the ability, rather than a location of the players choosing. This term is used less. ARPGAbbreviation of Action role playing game. Asset flipping. A practice of a game developer to use free or example game art, model, and music assets shipped with a game engine or provided as a free package for it to create a game, typically without adding their own assets and without providing credit to the game engines developers or even claiming credit themselves.