For example, if you are using Tomcat, your modified settings would look like this JAVAOPTS Xms. Xmx. 20. 48m XX Max. Perm. Size5. 12mThe Tomcat 7 documentation suggests you set the heap size through the environment variable CATALINAOPTS instead. CATALINAOPTS Optional Java runtime options used when the start. Include here and not in JAVAOPTS all options, that should. Tomcat itself, not by the stop process. Examples are heap size, GC logging, JMX ports etc. We will update the Tomcat heap size using CATALINAOPTS. Telnet yum list install modauthmysql phpmysql phpmbstring phpgd perlNetSSLeay expect expect. LfmkivF02ZE/VQ2Zk_oMeBI/AAAAAAAABT4/BsYCqTG0DDg/s1600/ODK%2BAggregate%2B11m.PNG' alt='Install Apache Tomcat Using Yum To Install' title='Install Apache Tomcat Using Yum To Install' />This how to will guide through the installation process of Apache Tomcat 8 web server and JavaServlet on CentOS 7.