Microsoft Windows Script Update 429 460

Multi Tenancy Share. Point 2. 01. 3 Farm mit Power. Shell konfigurieren Script originally created by Spencer Harbar harbar. Sources http www. Modified by Roger Haueter Tech. Task. com Share. Point Community Blog This script applies to Share. Point Server 2. 01. Add PSSnapin. Microsoft. Share. Point. Powershell EA0 Change here Settingsdatabase. AliasSet Your SQL Aliasdatabase. Serverservernameinstancedatabase. PrefixSet Your Database Prefixconfig. DatabaseConfigconfig. Database. Namedatabase. Microsoft Windows Script Update 429 460 HeadsPrefixconfig. Databaseadmin. Content. DBContentAdminadmin. Content. DBNamedatabase. Prefixadmin. Content. DBpassphraseSet Your Passphrasefarm. Largest_Removal_408.72GB.png' alt='Microsoft Windows Script Update 429 460' title='Microsoft Windows Script Update 429 460' />Account. NameDOMAINSP Farm. Adminfarm. AccountGet Credentialfarm. Account. NamepassphraseConvert. To Secure. Stringpassphrase As. Plain. Text force Prepare Server for installation Disable User Account Control UACFunction. Disable. UAC    Set Item. Microsoft Windows Script Update 429 460 TunnelUpdates are provided for those users who can read the instructions and have the technical skills to download the update and install without technical support. SSIS-E09-481.png' alt='Microsoft Windows Script Update 429 460' title='Microsoft Windows Script Update 429 460' />Shop HPs Online Store for all your computer hardware, accessories, printer needs the best deals. Free Shipping Easy Returns. Shop now. Programmer forums, Software Development, Web Development, developer resources, coding answers, blogs, articles, for programmers in ASP NET, C, Visual Basic, Java. List of well known, registered, and dynamicprivate ports. Property PathHKLM SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrent. Versionpoliciessystem Name. Enable. LUA Value. Write Host Foreground. Color. WhiteUser Account Control UAC disabledDisable. UAC Create SQL Alias, dynamically determine port. Function. Add. SQLAlias    server. Alias. ConnectionDBMSSOCN,database. Server    New Item. Property PathHKLM SOFTWAREMicrosoftMSSQLServerClientConnect. To Namedatabase. Alias Valueserver. Alias. Connection Property. TypeString Force Error. Action. Silently. ContinueAdd. SQLAlias Disable Loopback Check and Services. Function. Disable. Loopback. Check    lsa. PathHKLM SystemCurrent. Control. SetControlLsa    lsa. Path. ValueGet Item. Property pathlsa. Path    If notlsa. Path. Value. Disable. Loopback. Check eq1            New Item. Property. HKLM SystemCurrent. Control. SetControlLsa NameDisable. Loopback. Check value1 Property. Typedword ForceOut Null        Write Host Foreground. Color. WhiteLoopback Check disabledDisable. Loopback. Check Trust Source Path Source autospinstaller. Function. Add. Source. Path. To. Local. Intranet. Zone     Ensure that if were running from a UNC path, the host portion is added to the Local Intranet zone so we dont get the Open File Security Warning    Ifenv dp. Write. Line        safe. Hostenv dp. 0 split2        Write Host Foreground. Color. White Adding safe. Host to local Intranet security zone. New Item PathHKCU SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrent. VersionInternet SettingsZone. MapDomains Namesafe. Host Item. Type. Leaf ForceOut Null        New Item. Property PathHKCU SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrent. VersionInternet SettingsZone. MapDomainssafe. Host Namefile value1 Property. Typedword ForceOut Null        Write. Line    Add. Source. Path. To. Local. Intranet. Zone Remove IE Enhanced Security Source autospinstaller. Function. Remove. IEEnhanced. Security    Write Host Foreground. Color. WhiteDisabling IE Enhanced Security    Set Item. Property PathHKLM SOFTWAREMicrosoftActive SetupInstalled ComponentsA5. B1. A7 3. 7EF 4b. CFC 4. F3. A7. 47. Nameisinstalled Value. Set Item. Property PathHKLM SOFTWAREMicrosoftActive SetupInstalled ComponentsA5. B1. A8 3. 7EF 4b. CFC 4. F3. A7. 47. Nameisinstalled Value. Rundll. 32 iesetup. IEHarden. LMSettings,1,True    Rundll. IEHarden. User,1,True    Rundll. IEHarden. Admin,1,True    IfTest PathHKCU SOFTWAREMicrosoftActive SetupInstalled ComponentsA5. B1. A7 3. 7EF 4b. CFC 4. F3. A7. 47. Remove Item PathHKCU SOFTWAREMicrosoftActive SetupInstalled ComponentsA5. B1. A7 3. 7EF 4b. CFC 4. F3. A7. 47. IfTest PathHKCU SOFTWAREMicrosoftActive SetupInstalled ComponentsA5. B1. A8 3. 7EF 4b. CFC 4. F3. A7. 47. Remove Item PathHKCU SOFTWAREMicrosoftActive SetupInstalled ComponentsA5. B1. A8 3. 7EF 4b. CFC 4. F3. A7. 47. This doesnt always exist    Remove Item. PropertyHKCU SOFTWAREMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMainFirst Home Page Error. Action. Silently. ContinueRemove. IEEnhanced. Security Disable Unused Services or set status to Manual Source autospinstaller. Function. Disable. Services            Write Host Foreground. Color. White Setting services Spooler, Audio. Srv and Tablet. Input. Service to Manual. To. Set. ManualSpooler,Audio. Srv,Tablet. Input. Service    For. Eachsvc. Nameinservices. To. Set. Manual            svcget wmiobjectwin. Name eqsvc. Name        svc. Start. Modesvc. Start. Mode        svc. Statesvc. State        Ifsvc. State eqRunning andsvc. Start. Mode eqAuto                    Stop Service Namesvc. Name            Set Service namesvc. Name Startup. Type. Manual            Write Host Foreground. Color. White Service svc. Name is now set to Manual start                Else                    Write Host Foreground. Color. White svc. Name is already stopped and set Manual, no action required. Write Host Foreground. Color. White Setting unused services Wer. Svc to Disabled.     services. To. DisableWer. Svc    For. Eachsvc. Nameinservices. To. Disable            svcget wmiobjectwin. Microsoft Access 2010 Vba Insert Into Table As Select. Name eqsvc. Name        svc. Start. Modesvc. Start. Mode        svc. Statesvc. State        Ifsvc. State eqRunning andsvc. Start. Mode eqAuto orsvc. Start. Mode eqManual                    Stop Service Namesvc. Name            Set Service namesvc. Name Startup. Type. Disabled            Write Host Foreground. Color. White Service svc. Name is now stopped and disabled. Else                    Write Host Foreground. Color. White svc. Name is already stopped and disabled, no action required. Write Host Foreground. Color. White Finished disabling services. Disable. Services Share. Point Configuration will error, but fix the regkey. Write HostCreating Configuration Database and Central Admin Content Database. New SPConfiguration. Database Database. Serverdatabase. Server Database. Nameconfig. Database. Name     Administration. Content. Database. Nameadmin. Content. DBName     Passphrasepassphrase Farm. Credentialsfarm. AccountspfarmGet SPFarm Error. Action. Silently. Continue Error. Variableerr        ifspfarm eqnull orerr   throwUnable to verify farm creation. Write HostACLing Share. Point Resources. Initialize SPResource. Security. Write HostInstalling Services. Install SPService   Write HostInstalling Features. Install SPFeature All. Existing. Features. Write HostCreating Central Administration. New SPCentral. Administration Port. Windows. Auth. Provider. NTLMWrite HostInstalling Help. Install SPHelp. Collection All        Write HostInstalling Application Content. Install SPApplication. Content. Write HostFarm Creation Done Change here App Poolssa. App. Pool. NameShare. Point Web Services Defaultsa. App. Pool. User. NameDOMAINSP Services. Accountwa. App. Pool. NameShare. Point Contentwa. App. Pool. User. NameDOMAINSP Web. App. Account Change here Service Application and DB namesstate. NameState Service Applicationstate. DBState. Servicestate. DBNamedatabase. Prefixstate.

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Microsoft Windows Script Update 429 460
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