The seller has the right to sell. So what precisely are your statutory rights when you make a purchase Firstly, you should expect the seller to have the right to sell the item and to be able to transfer full ownership to you. Seems an obvious point really. A second hand car dealer who sells you a stolen car does not have the right to sell that car and you would not take ownership of it, even though you have handed over the money. Avion Models Manuals Recent Prices on Commons parts Repairs Awning Body Brakes Electrical Flooring Hardware Heating Interior Literature. Check out these 10 commonly mispronounced words that make you look like a fool in front of your friends and family. Filomena, my deepest condolences go out to you and the Baer family. Lee was such a great man. Always willing to help others and show compassion to everyone. If the item is not owned by the seller, or the seller has not been given permission to sell the item, the contract is immediately invalidated and you will own nothing. It is what you expected Secondly, if you have bought something on the basis of the sellers description or a sample, you should expect the item to conform exactly to that description or sample. If it does not, you have the right to reject the goods, demand a full refund and possibly claim damages. This is still the case even where you have selected or examined the items for yourself before buying them. Satisfactory quality. And finally, the most commonly cited and hotly contested of all, that of satisfactory quality. There is so much to say about this, it deserves its own section Common Complaints. FAQ Neck and arm pain and tingling. Hi,I woke up Sunday morning with a kink in my right neck. The pain actually comes from the mid scapular region along the right side of my vertebrae, but it feels muscular. My Knee Cracks When I Straighten It Out Williams' title='My Knee Cracks When I Straighten It Out Williams' />It was hard to turn my head without the pain in the neck, back and shoulder. When I move my head to the left, it actually pulls my right shoulder forward. On Monday, I had some acupuncture done, and again on Tuesday. It did temporarily relieve some of the pain and inflammation. I have been taking both acetaminophen and ibuprofen, with intermittent heatcold on the area. By Wednesday, I was tender, but not too bad. Today, Thursday, I have pain in the front of my right clavicle, pain down the underside of my right arm, pain at the base of my skull, and a pulled feeling at the front of my clavicle that pulls into my neck feels like when swallowing and or talking. I have tingling in my thumb and first two fingers. I have booked a massage for tomorrow, am I on the right path Im tired of the pain Im having difficulty sleeping through the night too. Please help. Muscular pain is usually increased by turning to the opposite side. If turning to the same side, especially if it hurts turning right and then looking up, then you should suspect a problem in the joint. Only a careful examination will determine which one. This condition often is worse at night. Its of concern that its now going down your arm, and the pattern is a little unusual. Underside of your arm and first three fingers points to a non dermatomal condition. Perhaps a first rib subluxation. Also that clavicle pain. I suspect this something that will need rather more than a good massage. Firstly a good chiropractic examination. Dr B. Tingling in arms and hands and aching at night. CTSAdsons test for Thoracic Outlet syndrome. Interscalene trianglecervical rib. Hi I am contacting you in regards to my husband. For many years he has fallen asleep watching television, his head always falls to the side and forward slightly. I dont know if this could have anything to do with his complaint. Anyway he has been getting tingling in his arms and hands. His hands are swollen, cold and have at times no colour pale almost white. He gets woken up at night with pain and finds he is only getting some relief from when standing. He has been to see the doctor and has had xrays and blood tests where there has been no result, everything seems ok apart from some wear and tear he is 5. I would be greatly appreciative if you could get back to me with possibly some avenue we could follow next. Thankyou very much in anticipation. Leonie Hello Leonie,First thing to consider is Reynauds syndrome, where the fingers change colour red, blue, white. Its a problem of the autonomic nervous system that controls the blood supply to the hands. But Reynards usually happens in cold weather, mid summer with hands under the blankets doesnt quite fit. But if the hands literally go white, then must be considered. The swollen hands, rheumatoid arthritis should be considered. If the joints are painful. Does it affect the pinkie Then its NOT carpal tunnel syndrome. But CTS certainly causes these sorts of symptoms in fingers 1 4. Then Id want to know what the result is from Adsons test. But, its a very difficult test to administer. It takes quite a long time to do the test effectively and accurately. The question is is the arterial supply to the arms being affected in the interscalene triangle. Lastly, a cervical rib can affect the arterial and nerve blood supply to the arm. This a patient currently under care here for symptoms simular to your husbands. But its not common. You make no mention of neck pain, but falling asleep in the sitting position is certainly not good for the neck, and may be the problem. Then there are a variety of medical conditions that could cause it. Clots, tumours in the apex of the lung Pancoast tumour smoker I should think many others. An aneurism. Its important to follow this up. Most likely Carpal tunnel if it doesnt affect the fifth finger. Entrapment of the median nerve in the wrist, forearm and neck. Use the Search this site function at C H for more info about these terms. Hope this has contributed. Dr B. Tingling, burning left pinky and ring finger and chest pains. Melody. Oklahoma. C8 dermatome. Ok, this all started after I got whiplash from my trunk crashing down on my head. Now I have tingling and numbness in my left hand pinky and ring finger I also have ice pick headaches. Another symptom is very sporatic chest pain that can either be above my left breast or to the middle Are these classic signs of TOSHello Melody,Well yes, but they are also classic symptoms of other conditions. TOS often affects more of the hand, and the ring finger and pinkie are typical of a C8 nerve root injury. That chest pain could be a referral from your neck, or a separate condition like Tietzes syndrome, or even related to your heart. Only a careful thorough chiropractic examination will determine what the exact diagnosis is. See a competent experienced local DC. Get some X rays taken. An axial injury like that is very traumatic, affecting the sensitive upper cervical area too, the probably cause of your headaches. Have your BP checked too. Let us know in a month or two how you are getting on. Dr B. Strange sensation in finger, back pain. Italy. Inter scalene triangle. Im very busy with my hands, both as a seriously practising guitarist and a computer programmer. Since the last couple of days Ive begun to feel a strange sensation of discomfort when I press my left index finger on the guitar strings. Its not a pain, more like a slight stiffness in the first joint the one nearer to the fingertip and a strange sensation in all the fingers that I cant describe properly. I have also insistent lower back pain since last year, when I made a jump performing onstage and landed badly straight on my foot after that, beginning the next day I had to stay one week in bed immobilized and since then I always suffer lower back pain, expecially after carrying big weights. But also my upper back feels always rigid, and the sensation has been worse the last days. Also, my neck often is rigid and contracted and this also has been an issue for these last days. As a last addition, it is a very stressful period, with little sleep and lots of anxiety. Id like some guidance to address all these problems. Thank you so much and best regards. Hello Seb,Lets start with the lower back pain. Obviously you had an injury when you jumped. I would start with the lower back exercises youll find in the Navigation bar at Chiropractic Help. Do them faithly EVERY morning before getting out of bed. If, in a month, the pain is not improving, then youd better get to see a chiropractor. There are plenty in Italy. That sensation in your fingers, could be local, simply an overuse syndrome. Before you start playing, go through an extensive warm up programme for your hands arms and shoulders like you were preparing for a football match. Contact Al at Maestros of the guitar for some tips in that regard. But it could be related to a problem in your neck, upper back or, since it affects all fingers, the first rib, next to the collar bone. Read more about inter scalene triangle at C H. Musicians have unique problems, often related to posture the odd positions you find yourselves playing your instruments. Warm up, keep moving whilst playing and do other exercises for your arms.