This is a list of TCP and UDP port numbers used by protocols of the transport layer of the Internet protocol suite for the establishment of hosttohost connectivity. TCP,UDP4. 2TCP,UDPHost Name Server4. TCP,UDPWINSWINS4. TCPWHOIS4. 9TCP,UDPTACACS5. TCP,UDPDNS5. TCP,UDP5. TCPMTP6. UDPBOOTPBoot. Strap6. UDPBOOTP6. UDPTFTP7. TCPGopher7. TCPFinger8. 0TCPHTTP 8. TCPTorpark 8. UDPTorpark 8. TCPKerberos 1. TCP1. TCPISO TSAP1. TCPTelnet1. TCPPOP Post Office Protocol21. CDW/3210638?$product-main$' alt='Serial Number For Netsupport Manager' title='Serial Number For Netsupport Manager' />TCPPOP33 1. TCP,UDPSun1. TCPIdent IRC1. A tabela abaixo indica o status da porta com as seguintes cores e legendas. Oficial se a aplicao e a combinao da porta est no IANA list of port assignments. Serial Number For Netsupport Manager' title='Serial Number For Netsupport Manager' />TCPSFTP1. TCPUNIXUnix to Unix Copy ProtocolUUCP1. TCP,UDPSQL1. 19TCP 1. UDPNTPNetwork Time Protocol 1. TCP,UDPDistributed Computing EnvironmentDCE1. TCP,UDPEnd Point MapperEPMAP1. TCP,UDPNet. BIOS Net. BIOS 1. 38TCP,UDPNet. BIOS Net. BIOS 1. TCP,UDPNet. BIOS Net. BIOS 1. 43TCP,UDPIMAP4Internet 4 E mails1. TCP,UDPBFTP, 1. TCP,UDPSimple Gateway Monitoring ProtocolSGMP1. TCP,UDPSQL1. 58TCP,UDPDMSP, 1. TCP,UDPSNMP 1. TCP,UDPSNMPTRAP1. TCP1. 79TCPBGP 1. TCPIRC2. TCP,UDPApple. Talk 2. TCP,UDPQuick Mail 2. TCP,UDPIPX2. TCP,UDPMPP2. TCP,UDPIMAP32. TCP,UDPESRO, Efficient Short Remote Operations2. TCP,UDPBGMP3. TCPNovastor 3. TCPApple 3. TCP,UDPTSP3. TCP,UDPIMMP, Internet3. TCP,UDPHP Open. View HTTPs 3. TCP,UDPSMTP,. ODMR,3. TCP,UDPRpc. TCP,UDPClear. Case 3. TCP,UDP3. TCP,UDPAURP, Apple. Talk 3. 89TCP,UDP4. TCP,UDPUPS4. TCPDirect Connect Hub 4. TCPDirect Connect 4. TCP,UDPSLP 4. TCPHTTPS HTTP over TLSSSL4. TCP,UDPSNPP4. TCPMicrosoft DS Active DirectoryWindows, Sasser wormAgobot, Zobotworm4. UDPMicrosoft DS SMB SMB4. TCP,UDPKerberos 4. Developing Person Through The Lifespan Edition 9Th Pdf Viewer. TCPCisco 4. TCPSSLSMTP4. TCPtcpnethaspsrvHasp, TCPIP 4. TCPdantz 5. TCP,UDPISAKMPIKE Internet 5. TCP,UDPModbus 5. TCPexec, 5. UDPcomsat biff 5. TCPlogin5. UDPWho5. TCPrsh protocol 5. UDPsyslog 5. TCPLine Printer Daemon protocol LPD 5. UDPTalk5. 18UDPNTalk5. TCPefs5. 20UDPRouting RIP5. UDP5. 24TCP,UDPNCPNet. Ware Net. Ware5. UDPTimed5. TCP,UDP5. TCP,UDPAOL, IRC5. TCPnetnews5. 33UDPnetwall,5. TCPUUCP Unix to Unix 5. TCP,UDPcommerce Commerce Applications5. TCPklogin, Kerberos5. TCPkshell, Kerberos shell5. TCP,UDPDHCPv. 65. TCP,UDPDHCPv. 65. TCPTCP Appletalk AFPApple Filing Protocol5. UDPnew rwho, new who5. TCP,UDPRTSP5. TCPBrunhoff RFS5. UDPrmonitor, Remote Monitor5. UDPmonitor5. 63TCP,UDPNNTP NNTPS5. TCPSMTPRFC 2. TCPFile. Maker 6. HTTP8. 05. TCP,UDPHTTP RPC Ep MapRPC over HTTP, often used by DCOM services and Microsoft Exchange Server6. TCPTUNNEL6. 31TCP,UDP6. TCP,UDPLDAP over SSLLDAPS6. TCP,UDPMSDP, 6. TCP,UDPLDP, 6. TCPDHCP6. TCPRRP Registry Registrar Protocol6. TCPDTCPDynamic Tunnel Configuration Protocol6. UDPAODVAd hoc On Demand Distance Vector6. TCPsun dr, Remote Dynamic Reconfiguration6. UDP6. TCPACAPApplication Configuration Access Protocol6. TCPMS Exchange Routing6. TCPHyperwave ISP6. UDP6. TCPIEEE MMS SSL6. UDPOLSROptimized Link State Routing6. TCPAccess Network. TCPEPP, 7. TCPLMP,7. TCPIRIS over BEEP7. TCPSILC, Secure Internet Live Conferencing. TCPTDP, 7. 12TCPTBRPF, Topology Broadcast based on Reverse Path Forwarding. TCPSMQP, Simple Message Queue Protocol. TCP, UDPkerberos adm, Kerberos administration. UDPKerberos version IV7. TCPConserver serial console management server. TCPCMP8. 60TCPi. SCSIInternet8. TCPrsync 9. TCPSamba SWAT9. VMware29. VMware9. TCPNetwork Console on AcidNCA local tty redirection over Open. SSH9. 81TCPSofa. Ware Technologies Remote HTTPS management for firewall devices running embedded Checkpoint Firewall 1 software9. TCP,UDPFTP Protocol data over TLSSSL9. TCP,UDPFTP Protocol control over TLSSSL9. TCP,UDPNAS Netnews Admin System9. TCP,UDPTLS SSLTelnet9. TCP SSLIMAP4 9. TCP SSLPOP3 1. IANAWhen investigating TCP traffic, be careful not to confuse the client and server ports. The client port is incremental, typically beginning at 1. If the port you are investigating is in the lower part of this range, it may be a client port. Stateful firewalls identify the server port, but packet sniffers and stateless firewalls do not. For example, a packet sniffer showing a TCP packet with source port 1. SOCKS or Citrix ICA. The only way to know for sure is to examine the initial TCP handshake. With UDP, client port selection depends on the application and may be incremental, fixed to a nonsensical value, or fixed equal to the server port. NFS or IIS1. DCOM1. DCOM1. AIX Network Installation Manager1. SOCKS1. 09. 9tcp,udp. RMI Registry1. 10. Kerberos POP1. 14. Auto. NOC1. 16. Perceptive Automation Indigo home control server1. Accele. Net1. 19. Open. VPN1. 19. The cajo project Free dynamic transparent distributed computing in Java1. Steam Friends Applet1. Kazaa1. 22. 3tcp,udp. TGP Truly. Global Protocol aka The Gur Protocol1. Nessus Security Scanner1. NSClientNSClientNCNet Nagios1. Microsoft Operations Manager 2. MOM 2. 00. 51. Dell Open Manage Https Port1. Xbiim Canvii server Port1. WASTE Encrypted File Sharing Program1. IBM Lotus NotesDomino RPC1. Computer Aided Design Software Inc LM cadsi lm 1. IBM MQSeries1. 43. RGTP1. 43. 3tcp,udp. Microsoft SQL 1. Microsoft SQL 1. Citrix Presentation Server ICA Client1. WINS1. 52. 1tcpn. Cube License Manager1. Oracle database default listener, in future releases official port 2. Oracle database common alternative for listener1. IBM Sametime IM Virtual Places Chat1. Laplink1. 55. 0Gadu Gadu Direct Client to Client1. MIL STD 2. 04. 5 4. VMF1. 58. 9udp. Cisco VQP VLAN Query Protocol VMPS1. Sketch1. 67. 7tcp.