Containment Solutions Tank Installation Instructions' title='Containment Solutions Tank Installation Instructions' />Glovebox Frequently Asked Questions LC Technology Solutions Inc. What are the power requirements for my glovebox system All standard glovebox systems are either 1. V 1. 5 amps for domestic installations or 2. V 8 amps for international installations. A standard wall outlet should work fine for running the glovebox systems. Do I need any other power for my system Your system comes with an electrical feedthrough to supply power inside the glovebox system. This is either 1. V 1. 0 amps or 2. V 5 amps. A standard wall outlet will work fine for this as well. Please refer to Installation Requirements documentation for additional power requirements. Do I need a ventilationexhaust connection for my glovebox You will need to connect the common vent line to an exhaust connection in your lab. The common vent line connects all of the exhausts for the entire glovebox system into one connection at the top of the system. This is a 1. 5 pipe connection labeled VENT at the top of the system, typically located behind the antechamber. What kind of inert gases do I need to run my system You will need either nitrogen or argon at a purity of less than 1. You will also need regeneration gas 3 5 hydrogen balance nitrogen or argon for the regeneration process. A quality of 9. 9. How much regeneration gas do I need and do I need to leave it connected all of the time You will need 1 standard cylinder of regeneration gas to start the system. One regeneration consumes half a tank of regeneration gas. You will most likely only regenerate your system once every 3 6 months and you can disconnect the regeneration gas when not in use. Containment Solutions Tank Installation Instructions' title='Containment Solutions Tank Installation Instructions' />Www. DoubleTrac. net Flexible Double Containment Piping ManualOctober 2013 DBT001 REV 1013. Do I need a regulator to run my glovebox You will need a regulator to run your system. The regulator will need to deliver between 6. PSI of gas pressure at a flow rate of 2. The regulator will need to have a 38 hose barb connection and should be equipped with a shut off valve. Please see your installation requirements for details. Do I need a regulator for the regeneration gasYes. You will need a regulator for the regeneration gas. This regulator will need to deliver between 1. PSI of pressure and need to have a flow meter attached to deliver 1. This regulator will also need a 38 hose barb connection and should be equipped with a shut off valve. Please see your installation requirements for details. Do I need to purge my system when I first set it up and how much purge gas do I need You will need to purge your glovebox when you first set it up. A standard single length system takes approximately 2 cylinders of inert gas to purge the system. As a rule, the amount of purge gas is easy to calculate. First you need to calculate the volume of your glovebox in cubic feet. A typical standard single length glovebox is approximately 4 ft X 2. X 3 ft 3. 0 cubic feet. An estimate is fine to use for this calculation. Then multiple the volume by 1. There is 3. 00 cubic feet of gas in a standard gas cylinder so you will need 2 cylinders of gas. This is a very useful calculation for larger or smaller systems. Does the glovebox need to be purged before I run a regeneration You must purge the glovebox prior to running a regeneration. Lube Cube lube oil tanks are the best solution for storage of new and used lubrication oils. UL142 tank or UL 142 steel tank. The regeneration process uses the glovebox environment for cooling and therefor needs to have a low oxygen environment inside the glovebox. Does the glovebox need water cooling No. The glovebox system does not require any cooling water to run. How frequently does the vacuum pump oil need to be changed We recommend that you change your vacuum pump oil after every regeneration or every 3 months, whichever comes first. How frequently do I need to change the inletoutlet filters Once every 6 months. This is very important. If the filters get clogged they cause the blower to run hotter than normal and it can cause the blower to fail prematurely. Do the analyzers come with calibration certificates Yes. How frequently do the analyzers need to be calibrated For most applications we recommend a calibration interval of 5 years. Is the oxygen analyzer harmed by solvents Our oxygen sensor is a very durable fuel cell design that is not damaged by most solvents. Do the moisture or oxygen analyzers need any maintenance No. These are maintenance free. Why does the oxygen and moisture level display increase when I turn off circulation Is my system leaking The analyzers are flow sensitive and the circulation blower is used to flow gas through the analyzers to get a sample of gas from the glovebox. Once you turn off circulation the flow stops and causes the analyzers to read a false high level of oxygen and moisture. Once you turn the circulation blower back on the levels will return to normal. Your glovebox is not leaking. How many evacuation and refill cycles do I need to run on my antechamberYou need to run 3 evacuation and refill cycles to make sure that you do not bring any air into the system. Can I install my glovebox on my own Yes, the systems are all labeled for self installation. Please refer to the operation manual for detailed instructions. How do I know if I have a leak in my gloveboxThis is usually easy to notice. How To Install Proprietary Drivers Ubuntu. Typically if you have a leak in your system you will hear the gas solenoid clicking onoff constantly throughout the day. This is the system adjusting for the loss in gas pressure within the system. You will also notice an increase in the oxygen level in the system. If you think you have a leak please contact the service department at LC Technology. Can I remove the window of the glovebox Yes. All LC Technology gloveboxes are equipped with a quick release front window. It is easily removedreplaced in minutes. When replacing the window please make sure the gasket and window are free of any particles that might get into the seal area. Can I use solvents in my glovebox The short answer is yes, but you should be very careful with solvent use inside the glovebox. You should use as little solvent as possible within the system. The glovebox system is completely sealed, so any solvent that evaporates is still within the glovebox and will condense or collect somewhere inside the gas purifier. It is highly recommended to use an internal solvent trap for trace amounts of solvent use or a large external solvent removal system for higher solvent use. It is also recommended to purge while using solvents, and for at least 1. Some solventsespecially chlorinated solventscan damage the filter material quickly. How frequently should I change my solvent removal filtermaterial The internal solvent charcoal trap should be replaced every month. Your system was shipped with a set of 1. The external solvent removal filter material activated carbon should be changed about every 3 6 months, depending on how much solvent you use. I see water in my regeneration exhaust line. Is this normal This is normal. The regeneration process produces steam and this causes water to collect in this line. It is external to the glovebox and does not cause the system any harm. I see water in my vacuum pump oil or vacuum pump exhaust line after I run a regeneration. This is also normal as the regeneration process causes water to be pulled from the filter material during the evacuation stage of the regeneration process. It is recommended to change the vacuum pump oil after each regeneration. Circulation is switched on but how do I know that the blower is actually running On a full size glovebox the circulation blower is enclosed in a round stainless steel case and is located behind the filter column and in front of the vacuum pump.