How To Install True Combat Elite Machines

ESTOL and VSTOL Combat Talon III Airborne inAirborne out NIGHT helicopter rescue gives maximum space for the pilot to land his helicopter and should have been used to rescue downed USAF pilot CPT Scott OGrady in 1. Bosnia, instead of packing two CH 5. E Super Stallions full of low grade ad hoc rescue skill mortar marines and trying to land both in an unsurveyed zone, where a farm fence trapped an entire chopper load of men inside. Later, when two French pilots were downed, AFSOC Pave Low IVs went into Bosnia to search with Pararescuemen or PJs aboard not packed full of potential victims and armed to the teeth but, the pilots were already captured before they could get to them. On two other occasions years later during the civilian infrastructure bombing of Kosovo in 1. AFSOC single ship rescues saved a F 1. Nighthawk pilot and a F 1. Adobe Acrobat 11 Serial Number Crack Programs. C pilot from at best imprisonment and at worse summary execution by irate Serbs. However, you cannot rescue hostages and fight wars with a large enemy opposing you with just a single helicopters worth of men. These are bigger missions requiring more troops, weaponry and combat vehicles. A big disappointment studying helicopter PATHFINDING is that to get multiple airlanded helicopters into a zone requires a lot of space that needs to be surveyed beforehand, and time to offload and fly away. This slow, piecemeal build up of combat power by noisy helicopters flying into and out of the Landing Zone LZ gives the enemy time to react to our insertion, in a hostage rescue, it would mean the loss of surprise, in a major war, the enemy could melt away and be long gone before we assemble ourselves into fighting units and begin to foot slog Vietnam. We have tried to overcome this by the direct delivery of assault troops onto the target by helicopters by airlanding or if there is nowhere to land hovering and having troops slide down ropes. Both techniques have resulted in disaster the 1. Koh Tang island and the 1. Somali warlord leaders in Mogadishu in both cases helicopters were literally shot out of the sky trying to deliver troops directly to the objective. The survivors later hanging on and fighting for their lives until THEY could be rescued. Even when direct helicopter air assaults work, during the Kurt Muse rescue, their helicopters got shot down. Part of a real solution would be to actually have better foot mobility than our enemies by a holistic field livingload bearing system and to use human powered vehicles HPVs like folding AllExtreme Terrain Bikes and All Terrain, All Purpose Carts so we can insert away from enemy detection range and close by SPEED MARCH as the Israeli paratroops are fond of doing, and have been successful many times. At the very least helicopters used in direct assaults need max armor and smoke grenadesgenerators to protect them from aimed enemy fire while insertingextracting troops. Another technique would be to use light tracked armored fighting vehicles like the German Wiesel, Swedish BV 2. S or American M1. A3 Gavin to insert into an offset LZ or by parachute DZ and then close on the objective with superior armored protection and firepower. Stealth provided by band tracks, infared camouflage and hybrid electic drives. This capability to Air Mech Strike is described in detail by former SOF General David Granges AMS Study Groups book, Air Mech Strike Asymmetric Maneuver Warfare for the 2. Century. The advent of the marine contrived V 2. Osprey tilt rotor helicopter with the ability to fly fixed wing flight does not solve these basic short comings in the zone, and actually increases our problems because it cannot carry the common HMMWV 4. X4 vehicle inside. Marine corps pathetic attempts to adopt an unarmed sports truck or dune buggy that can be turned into a flaming wreck by a mere burst of enemy small arms fire as depicted below do not fix this handicap. Yet another USMC FUBAR in the making THY NAME IS HOWLER, EHH GROWLER. PBA6j. 87. Nk. I. This assumes the V 2. Its a deathtrap that will eventually be cancelled as a troop transport. The question is how many dead and burned up American bodies will have to be lost before Do. D bureaucracy acts Frankly, the V 2. If AFSOC pursues the CV 2. ITS FINISHED. Read why and you will see test program or no test program the V 2. How To Install True Combat Elite Machines Ut3One of the best shooting games of 2017 FREE AND COOL FPS SNIPER GAME. Top VIdeos. Warning Invalid argument supplied for foreach in srvusersserverpilotappsjujaitalypublicindex. Col Dunn USAF R rebukes lying USMC V 2. Program manager. The Dunn Reports Main Revelations. Fly above 1. 0,0. Are not pressurized cannot fly in NBC environment. Cannot hover in mountains with more than 5 troops. RH-22.jpg' alt='How To Install True Combat Elite Machines' title='How To Install True Combat Elite Machines' />Cannot fly into storms no de icing without icing and crashing. Cannot crash land with any chance of survival in airplane mode unless enginesrotors rotated up 6. Cannot autorotate in event of engine failures. Doesnt have crash worthy fuel cells. Cannot make abrupt maneuvers when landing in helicopter mode or could flip over on its back from Vortex Ring State asymmetric lift loss. Cannot be armed with multiple defense weapons to suppress enemy in LZ. How To Install True Combat Elite Machines Philippines' title='How To Install True Combat Elite Machines Philippines' />Cannot hover insert troops by rappelfast rope too much downwash, limited to predictable open area LZs. Huge radar target bigger than helicopters akin to two 7. Cannot carry ANY armored vehicles inside, my God its only 5. Its too small for us humansIts only going to get worse if we try to field this deathtrap to our men. Its a bad turboprop and a very bad helicopter, the very worst of both worlds. If I were Bell Id stop before its too late, save the company and pitch a slimmer V 2. EJECTION SEATS and call it a decade. Then you are not asking it to act like a hovering and landing helicopter in an enemy held combat zone with men packed inside like sardines surrounded by fuel, just to take off and land from forward operating bases to support ground units with observationfires manned by just 2 humans not two dozen. Even if V 2. 2s worked, it would take more time and more men to get effective combat power using the CV 2. CMH 4. 7DEF Chinook, which can deliver 3 times the men in a lift AND carry armored HMMWVs or far better yet TANKS 3 ton Wiesel or a 7 ton BV 2. S armored SUSV Ridgway or M1. Mini Gavin light tracked Armored Fighting Vehicles with battle dominating auto cannon, rockets, recoilless rifles and missile to the fight. Full Size M1. 13 Gavins cab be carried by Fixed Wing STOL Aircraft Like C 2. Js, C 1. 30s and Minis inside CH 5. E Super Stallion and CH 4. Chinook helicopters. HCB6. Qirk. X5. E. GA8v. Es. What matters is the END RESULT ON THE GROUND, not the means. As Sun Tzu said. what matters in war is VICTORY, not prolonged operations, however brilliantly executed. Even with a potent mobile fighting vehicle force packed into Chinooks, or MH 4. Es such an option would still have the timedistance and fuel factors to contend with to get to the target area and return to safety. While we can and must address the weak areas of helicopter Air Assault techniques, the fact remains YOU CAN GET MORE COMBAT POWER INTO A GIVEN AREA FASTER BY PARACHUTING AND AT LOWER RISK TO THE HIGH PERFORMANCE AIRCRAFT THAT DELIVER THEM THAN BY SLOWER, AIRLANDING HELICOPTERS. WHERE CAN WE LANDAs Colonel Kyle explains in his book, the ground at Desert One had to be first surveyed for firmness if it would accept rubber tired landing gear C 1. To do this a small Twin Otter turboprop plane was flown in and infared runway marking lights covertly emplaced. This small plane would have far less ground pressure than a 1. C 1. 30. The U. S.

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