Text Boxes. To add text thats constrained to an area use the Text tool again, but this time click and drag a box out. Once you release the mouse a box remains with a flashing text cursor. Typing here constrains the text and will wrap around to the shape. Spreading Out The Lines of Text. The Character Panel has a lot of ways to tweak your text once youve typed it. Often times youll want to increase the space between the lines of text. To do this open the Character Panel. If you cant see it on screen, choose Window Character from the main menu. Using the leading dialogue box we can increase the space between each line. This works better than writing each line separately as we can be sure that all the lines are aligned and spaced equally. Quick Formatting Text. Wanted all your text in capital letters and forgot to press Caps Lock Dont worry, theres no need to retype the text. At the bottom of the character panel are some handy buttons, the third one along puts your text into caps, you can see Ive done that already for my example text. Adding Colour Bars Behind The Text. To really make your text stand out its good to have a coloured background to the text. Select the layer below your text then click the Rectangle Shape tool. Click and drag out a rectangle that covers the first line of text itll be on a new layer Dont draw anymore. Instead choose the move tool and then press Alt key and click and drag down the box you just made. Youll get a double arrow to indicate youre making a copy of the layer. Do this again until you have enough bars for your lines of text. Dont worry about getting them equally apart at the moment, well get Photoshop to do that. Space Out The Bars. For this technique the top and bottom bars need to be properly aligned. If youre familiar with selections and the Align part of the Move tool you may prefer to work that way. Here though Im keeping it simple and working by eye. With the bars made, and the top and bottom bars positioned correctly I can select the top bar in theĀ Layers Panel and the Shift and click the bottom bottom bar. This selects them all. Select the Move tool and then from the contextual menu click the button to Distribute Vertical Centers. Because the text is equally separated the bars and text should line up perfectly Remember you have the Layer effects at your disposal to spruce up your text and bars should you wish. The choices are endlessOther tips Pick colours from the image for the text and or bars. Swap bars for solid blocks or gradients. Be wary of handwritten fonts, they can be difficult to read. If you quote someone, make sure you attribute it to them. Adding Your I Thought It Was Transparent LogoI saved my logo with the background turned off but when I put it on another image the background is back, what can I doWhen you create your logo make sure that the background is transparent before saving. You can do this by simply clicking the eye next to its layer. Now, rather than Save or Save As go to File Save For Web. In the dialogue box that appears change the file type from jpg to PNG. And thats all there is to it Now you can add your logo to your images for that extra bit of branding with a nice professional touch. Your Instagram Posts May Offer Warning Signs of Depression. From addiction to anxiety to bullying, technology and social media get a bad rap at times for their negative impact on mental health, but those same tools can also be wielded to help those in need. Large scale intervention programs such as the Crisis Text Line are on the rise. CTL not only allows trained counselors to support people in crisis 2. Im very bad at processing my feelings alone. If I dont want to spiral into anxiety, I need toRead more Read. Smaller scale research is also on the rise with Instagram being the latest service to capture a picture of whats going on with a userss mental health. According to a study published last week in the EPJ Data Science journal, researchers at Harvard University and the University of Vermont questioned whether markers of depression could be identified through photos posted on the popular social media site. Kate Arrow Deserted Wood 2010 Pc Games. After using a variety of computational methods including machine learning and image processing to review nearly 4. This weeks roundup isnt so much a top 1. Read more Read. Machines analyzed user activity, how many likes and comments a photo received, and the number of faces in a photo. Interestingly, depressed individuals shared posts at a higher frequency, and while those posts received a higher rate of comments, they received fewer likes. Their photos did feature faces, but fewer faces than the healthier participants. The researchers also analyzed photo hue, saturation and value, and whether or not a filter and what type of filter was used. Photos posted by depressed individuals tended to be, pixel by pixel, bluer, darker and greyer and were less likely than those from the healthy participants to have a filter applied. When depressed participants used filters, they favored converting color photos to black and white. The Royal Society for Public Health just released a report containing what you already knew aboutRead more Read. Perhaps even more interesting though is that the researchers were not only able to confirm depression in a person who had already received a formal diagnosis, but the data was able to predict depression pre diagnosis. In an interview with the New York Times, the researchers were clear to state that while the sample size was small, and of a very specifically recruited group of active Instagrammers who were willing to share a past clinical diagnosis of depression, the results speak more to the promise of their techniques.